Grade 5 Theory Exam

For piano students of Tony O’Brien Home. Exam Structure. Learning Pathway. Exam Topics.

It’s almost guaranteed that you will need to answer a whole question on transposition of the sort shown below.

You need a good understanding of scales (keys)   and  intervals.

Transpositions are typically based around the transposing instruments of the orchestra and so based on transposing up or down a minor 2nd (Clarinet in Bb), up or down a minor third (Clarinet in A) or up or down a perfect 5th (Horn in F). Occasionally you may need to transpose a whole octave up or down using a new clef ( e.g. treble to tenor clef).



3 There are the actual sounds made by a horn in F. Rewrite the passage as it would appear for the player to read, that is, transpose it up a perfect 5th.  Do not use a key signature but remember to put in all the necessary sharp, flat or natural signs.

Look at the model answer

3 The following melody is written for clarinet in A. Transpose it down a minor 3rd. As it will sound at concert pitch. Remember to put in the new key signature and add any necessary accidentals.

Look at the model answer