Grade 5 Theory Exam

For piano students of Tony O’Brien Home. Exam Structure. Learning Pathway. Exam Topics.


This is the version of the question WHICH DOES USE KEY SIGNATURES.  


The first step is easy. Just write out each note-head a 3rd  lower - i.e.  one line below (if a line note) or one space below ( if  a space note). Leave a space at the beginning after the clef to add the key signature in step 2 and before each note-head to add accidentals in step 3.

Work out the key (scale) of the extract.  Knowing your cycle of 5ths, a key signature of 2 flats means either Bb major, or G minor.  Although there are accidentals, and one F#, the tune is centred around the Bb major chord at the beginning, and there are more F naturals than sharps so the key is  Bb major.  A minor 3rd down from Bb is G so the transposition will be written in G major.  (Not G minor - don’t  get fooled  into thinking the transposed scale is minor scale because the transposing interval is a minor interval.   Transposition will never change a  piece from major to minor or from minor to major.)  Knowing the key signature of G major is one sharp  - F# - add the key signature.

( If you had determined the original  as G minor, the same reasoning would have lead to the transposed key of E minor also with one sharp - it’s not the end of the world if you get the major/minor determination wrong.)


Because we have worked through key signature,  accidentals are going to be needed only where accidentals were used in the original but it could be a different sort of accidental.  In this case E natural accidentals become C# accidentals.


Double -check key notes of the original scale - e.g. tonic and dominant -  have been treated correctly.

In this case Bb’s have become G’s and F’s have become D’s.