Questions on instruments’ pitch ranges -
Take some time then to learn the pitch ranges of the instruments shown below -
Know the highest and lowest pitched instrument in each family colour coded as turquoise
(voice), pink (strings), green (woodwind) and blue (brass) -
Instruments and their families
In question 4 you could be asked more general questions about instruments, particularly
about transposing instruments -
Another “trick” question concerns which percussion instrument could play a melody. Follow this link to learn more about transposing instruments, families of instruments and other facts.
(a) Compose a complete melody for unaccompanied horn in F or cello, using the given opening. Indicate the tempo and other performance directions, including any that might be particularly required for the instrument chosen. The complete melody should be eight bars long.
Instrument for which the melody is written: ..............................................................
If you choose to write for ‘cello, be aware that its got the smaller pitch range
C2 to A4 (A above middle C) -
While the Horn in F has a larger range, it’s a transposing instrument and you should
presume you are writing at written pitch not concert pitch. Although it’s lowest
note is Bb1 this would be written a 5th higher at F2 -
All things considered, I would always avoid the transposing instrument and pick the ‘cello in this case
4 (c) (i) This extract is from a song written for a soprano, which is the highest-
Baritone Soprano Bass Tenor Alto
Soprano ............................ ....................... ............................ ...........................
(ii) Name the highest-
(iii) Now name a different family of standard orchestral instruments and states its
Family ......................................... Instrument ................................................
4(c) (i) Soprano -
(ii) Piccolo
(iii) String -
Brass -
(Remember the “standard orchestral instruments” only comprise string, woodwind, and brass families.)