Grade 5 Theory Exam

For piano students of Tony O’Brien Home. Exam Structure. Learning Pathway. Exam Topics.

Part of question (1) or question (4) will always contain a section that asks you to name chords in an extract.  You will only be expected to know the chords formed on the 1st, 2nd  4th and 5th notes of the scale.


Identifying and naming chords

Now attempt the model question below

Look at the model answer

Identifying and Naming chords

4. Look at this extract and then answer these questions.

(a) (iii) Give the technical names (e.g. tonic, dominant) of the two notes in the right-hand part of bar 3 marked 1 and 2. Remember the key is C minor.      (4 marks)

(b) (i) Describe the chords marked X and Y a I,II,IV or V. Also indicate whether the lowest note of the chord is the root (a), 3rd (b) of fifth (c) . The key is C minor. ( 4 marks)

(ii) Below the staves write Ic-V under two successive chords where this progression occurs. (2 marks)