Grade 5 Theory Exam

For piano students of Tony O’Brien Home. Exam Structure. Learning Pathway. Exam Topics.

You will have a good knowledge of  “key” from playing scales, but for quick and sure identification of scales from key signatures or vice versa you need to commit the “cycle of fifths chart” for major and minor scales to memory.

You also need to have memorised the order of sharps and flats within any key signature up to 6 sharps or 6 flats.

Test your knowledge and memory of these topics first

Review Sharps and flats

in a key signature

Review Cycle of Fifths

Model Scale question 5


Scales, Keys and Key Signatures

Model Key question 1/4

Download further


Now work on the related questions of the Grade 5 theory paper.  The most relevant question will be “question 5”, but your knowledge of scales and key signatures will also be tested in questions 1 and 4.  These questions will also test your understanding of “enharmonic equivalences” and technical names for degrees of the scale.

Enharmonic  equivalence

Technical names for

scale notes

Finally if you really want to test your understanding of scales and keys, download a series of questions in which you have to identify the key from an extract written without key signature and with accidentals,  and rewrite it with the correct key signature - an “old” style Grade 5 question