The last question, question 7, is always a question on cadences. Provided you know
your scales, keys and key signatures and you can recognise I,II, IV and V chords
in any scale, this is a very simple and straight-
A cadence is a sequence of two or three chords that typically end a phrase. In
grade 5, the only cadences you will be expected to identify are:-
1. The V-
2. The IV-
3. The imperfect cadence ending with a V chord
Again, as in naming and identifying chords, the chords used in the cadence will be limited to the I,II, IV and V chords of the scale/key of the extract.
Identifying cadences
7. Suggest suitable progressions for the two cadences in the following melody by
indicating ONLY ONE chord (I,II,IV or V) at each of the places marked A-
Show the chords:
EITHER (a) by writing I,II etc or any other recognized symbols on the dotted lines below;
OR (b) by writing notes on the staves.
Chord A .............................................
Chord B .............................................
Chord C.............................................
Chord D .............................................
Chord E.............................................