There could be questions that really probe your understanding of the differences between simple and compound time.
One question might ask you to add bar-
* “Beams” are the connecting horizontal lines across quavers, semi-
Compound vs. Simple Time
Add bar-
Not surprisingly the beaming of quavers and semiquavers groups them together into
q beats, when they should be grouped into j -
Add bar-
Not surprisingly the beaming of quavers and semiquavers groups them together into
j beats, when they need to be grouped into q -
Another question could probe your understanding of the equivalence in metre between
time signatures in compound and simple time -
Rewrite the following extract in compound time. Add the new time signature.
The extract is “2” metre and the equivalent “2” metre compound time is 6/8. Crochets convert to dotted crotchers, triplet quavers become “straight” quavers, while “straight” quavers become “duplets” and the final minim converts to a dotted minim (two lots of dotted crotchets).